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Перевод Примеры
Время не ждёт. Солнышко нас не дожидается. Не человек гонит, а время. Потерянного времени не ворОтишь.

"Тime and tide waJt for во man," said Mr. Baynard ; "and if I don't buck up, too, my wife will have something to say. We're always punctual in my family." (Johnson)

"Annie, my dear," said he, looking at bls watch, and filling bls glass. "lt is past your cousin Jack's time, and we must not detain him, since time and tide-both concerned in this case wait for во mав." (Dickens)

There is а form of guilt bу association in politics just as there's distressed а form of advancement Ьу association. Don't Ье unduly bу defections. Ве patient. Remember that 'time and tide run through аll things'-and, above all, bridle your temper. (Ede/­ man)